Friday, 13 April 2012

One Hundred and Fifty Three.

Yet again my mind in twist,
Clenching like a closing fist.
Turn away from what I know,
Why do I not want to go?

Monday, 9 April 2012

One Hundred and Fifty Two.

What is too much?
When is too much?
Where is too much?
Am I too much?

Thursday, 5 April 2012

One Hundred and Fifty One.

A touch,
Skin on skin,
A way to end,
or to begin?

A touch,
Lip on lip,
A way to start,
or just friendship?

A touch,
Hand to hand,
starts the thoughts,
A dream unplanned.

A touch,
Legs entwined,
Is Nirvana,
Without a mind.

A touch.....

One Hundred and Fifty.

What is sex? Or making Love?
Maybe just a hand in glove?
Sometimes it just fits that way,
A feel, a touch, simply Hooray!